Virtual Call Point (VCP) provides a virtual on-screen interface that presents a series of programmable buttons allowing staff to quickly and easily send pre-programmed messages.
The image above shows how VCP are displayed on the VCP webpage. As the amount of VCP increases, the tabbed group will expand and be scrollable.
In one VCP there can be multiple buttons which send messages to set destinations. The image below shows a button inside of a VCP. If you click on this button, it will send a message to the set destination.
1. Creating a VCP
On the VCP webpage, click the button New Call Point
. You should be directed to the page below.
1.1. New VCP
Fill out the form with the details for your new VCP.
The displayed name of the VCP.
Any notes to be shown for the VCP.
Custom CSS
Any custom styling to change the appearance of the VCP.
Use standard page layout?
This is if there is a header and footer needed on the webpage when accessing through a browser.
When you have added the information required, click Save
. You will be directed to the newly created VCP.
1.2. Adding buttons to a VCP
Still on the new VCP button webpage, click Create
in the bottom right corner.
The image below shows the create button form.
Message Destination Type
This is whether the destination you wish for the message to be sent to is a user or an event interface.
Depending on what selection you made on the previous step, then this will be a list of possible destinations the button could send a message to.
Subject of the message. E.g. Doorbell has been pressed.
The message body. E.g. The front doorbell has been pressed.
Message Type (Priority)
The type of message the button will send. E.g. FIRE.
This is how high up in the list of buttons the button will be displayed. E.g. 0 (is the highest).
Each VCP button has the ability to show an image on the button to help differentiate between buttons.
Once you have completed the form, click Save
1.3. Viewing and using the new VCP button
The image below shows the newly created VCP button.
As you have created a VCP button, there will be a new row created within the table at the bottom of the image above. You can edit and delete the VCP button if you click either Edit
or Delete
in the Actions
To use the button, go back to the VCP homepage where there are the other VCP. Click on the VCP you have just created.
To use the button all you need to do is just click it.
You should receive a confirmation when the message has sent.